Posted by hg_graceimaging but recipe from Doris Minter
Buy gooseberries and wash them. Cut of stalks and ends.
Cook in little water for about 10 minutes, the gooseberries themselves release lots of juice and let them simmer in it.
Take off the heat and mash or puree to desired consistency.
Remove from the pot and weigh the mass of fruit. Pour back into pot and stir in the same quantity of jam-making sugar.
Once the sugar desolves, add small lump of butter, all on low to medium heat.
Stir and bring to the boil. Boil for 4 minutes exactly.
Fill into clean jars. Cool and store.
Think it also needs to be kept in fridge after opening, due to dairy content.
Thanks to my German housemate, Doris, for supplying this recipe.
Hello Helen Grace. Thank you for this recipe on Pink Gooseberry. I am a businessman of natural juices and sell Gooseberry Juice at very cheap price. I have noted down the recipe and will soon try it.