Saturday, 16 May 2009

Its Elevenses Time

We thought it would be a great idea to have a place and time where people could just pop in for a cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit (or two!) and have a bit of a chat. We set up @ElevensesTime on Twitter so that people would have a nice ready made list of people to follow so that they can join in and see all the conversation without having to worry about pressing the right reply button or putting characters in front of their @replies. Just use the hashtag #ElevensesTime on your posts amd we will follow you. We have set up this blog so that people can get to know a bit more about those that participate at #Elevensestime, to share recipes or talk about the things they are pasionate about or their businesses, hobbies etc.
We'll get the kettle on at 11:00am (GMT!) i.e. London Time so drop in and say hello!

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